Meet Our Artisans

We started our online business when we met Celia and Victoria Hernandez and realize that they were making beautiful, quality products that would last by hand. We listen to their stories and we realize that we could help them continue making their trade and help them earn a livable wage. 

 We're glad that you found us, and hope you’ll enjoy our products as we do!



Celia Hernandez

Celia Hernandez is a 44 year-old Guatemalan artisan from the region of Santa Catarina Barahona. Celia Hernandez learned the trade of weaving from her mother from the young age of 8-years-old and has not stopped since then. 


Click on the link below to watch a video of Celia's story.



Hear Celia's Story
Victoria Hernandez

Victoria Hernandez is a 78-year-old Guatemalan artisan from the region of Santa Catarina Barahona. Victoria's native language is Kaqchikel. Victoria Hernandez learned the trade of weaving from her mother from the age of 10-years-old and continues to practice it every day since then. 


Click on the link below to watch a video of Victoria's story.


Victoria's Story
Pedro E. Gonzalez

Pedro E. Gonzalez is a 33-year-old Guatemalan artisan from the region of Chichicastenango. Pedro E. Gonzalez's mother spoke kaqchikel and his father spoke k'iche'. Pedro learned the trade of making leather products at the young age of 6-years old out of necessity because he did not have a backpack to take to school. He learned by making a backpack for himself. 


Click on the link below to watch a video of Pedro's story.


Hear Pedro's Story
Tojil A. Hernandez

Tojil A. Hernandez is a 51-year-old Guatemalan artisan from the region of Santa Catarina Barahona. Tojil A. Hernandez's native language is kaqchikel. 


Click on the link below to watch a video of Tojil's story.


Hear Tojil's Story